Top 3 Books to Pass Lean Six Sigma Exams. Are Certbolt Practice Tests Helpful?

Whether you want to get a Lean Six Sigma certification to get a higher salary or to improve your project management skills, you will need to take your training seriously. According to the Council for Six Sigma Certification, currently, there are five Lean Six Sigma certification categories, and each of them requires sitting for assessments. For example, you can opt for the White, Yellow, Green, Black, and Master Black badges and accordingly take their related exams. Of course, these certification tests are not easy and only those students who are motivated and have the necessary time and resources to invest in the preparation process can succeed.

While the Council for Six Sigma Certification official website offers different training sessions and materials click here for Lean Six Sigma exam prep, self-study makes the difference in the final score you will get in the real exams. In this article, you will discover more about the top 3 books that you can use to obtain the passing score in any Lean Six Sigma certification test from the first attempt.

Top 3 Books to Gain Lean Six Sigma Certification

The Six Sigma Step-by-Step Guide launched by the Council for Six Sigma Certification is one of the most comprehensive guides that matches readers’ training style. Usually, training books are either too detailed or don’t explain concepts very well. This guide, however, is different as it manages to keep the right balance between the amounts of information provided. The book is split into 4 areas. The first two chapters introduce the reader to Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma concepts, while the other two deal with more advanced pieces of information on the White, Yellow, Green, and Black Belts.

The McGraw Hill 36-Hour Course for Lean Six Sigma written by Sheila Shaffie as well as ShahbazShahbazi is the second book that we want to recommend for Lean Six Sigma badges.

The authors of this guide are skilled Six Sigma trainers so they share their expertise and offer a detailed overview of what project management is all about. Once you finish reading this book you will know how to improve customer satisfaction, keep operational costs under control, and reduce risks. You will enhance your knowledge by using their practice tests, exercises, and doing a final test online.

The third book that we consider you should take a look at is the Simplified Beginner’s Guide to Lean Six Sigma. The authors, Benjamin Sweeney & Clydebank Business created this guide for newcomers. In this book, you will discover the secrets of Lean Six Sigma and how to efficiently reduce errors, improve production processes, and ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction. All materials are tailored for beginner-level so that it is easy to understand and access.

Use Practice Tests to Get Passing Score in Lean Six Sigma Assessments

Apart from reading the books we mentioned above, you shouldn’t miss adding practice tests to your training routine. They can add different benefits to your preparation process, as follows:

  • They will tell you which of the tested skills you haven’t mastered yet and will encourage you to focus on these subjects.
  • When you take practice tests, you will not only measure how much you know, but it will also help you consolidate the topics that you already are doing very well.
  • Practice tests help you understand the real structure of exams and have zero surprises when you take your certification assessments.


The preparation process for a Lean Six Sigma certification requires time and determination. When you train for such exams, it is important to combine different preparation options. While the training guides are very efficient in obtaining the passing score from the first attempt, you shouldn’t ignore practice tests. They will help you understand how much knowledge you accumulated so far and get used to the structure of your assessments and their difficulty level.v


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