After the covid-19 pandemic, things have changed a lot. As, with the increasing competition in the market, companies are trying hard to sell their product or service. The patterns of consumers have also changed in terms of how they use services, or how they take things, things have completely changed. 

Every company in the market is trying out different digital strategies in the market to make their word count. It has never ever happened before things have gotten so far. 

IT has performed really brilliantly in the last year. A new work process has been introduced after the pandemic through which users can work remotely at their homes rather than coming to offices. With allowing remote working, it is also protecting employee’s data and providing a stable internet connection.

With this fast paced changing environment, edge developers have also got a huge responsibility on their backs as they are the ones who can embrace new challenges.


After what happened in the covid-19 era, there will be a number of changes that you will see in the near future. Though Corona vaccine will be out soon and might cure the disease, A lot of big companies are planning to continue the remote working process. There are a lot of benefits for companies by allowing their employees to work remotely. they will not have to buy or rent an expensive building for office premises. 

A large number of workers are also planning to permanently work from home only as they will not have to move from one place to another after their transfers.

Though there will be a lot of concerns for companies and employees for working remotely. Both the parties have to make sure about the network connectivity as it might be a bigger problem. The developers will make the proper softwares and application through which they will be able to work but still accessing office services from any device anywhere might be a little complex to manage for the developers.

There will be a lot of new technologies and changes in the work culture that we will get to see in the near future. Though it might take a year or two before we can see the notable changes. 

By the way, what do you prefer, working at an office premise or working remotely?


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