How to Prepare a Research Proposal for Your Business: Hacks for Beginners

When writing a business proposal, the writer looks at business issues that interest them or society. They undertake a journey to investigate the issues/concerns and come up with proposed solutions to their observations. 

The business research proposal highlights the concerns and the student’s promise to investigate them. The writer benefits from enhanced critical thinking abilities, intellectual skills, and a brighter career future. To write the best research proposal, follow these hacks. 

Identify your concern

If you are planning on starting a business in college, your first step is to identify a service gap and turn it into your business opportunity. Your business concern means a gap that needs to be filled in the business world. It is an area that is lacking in terms of service to customers. 

It must be a significant pain or problem in the supply chain that requires to be addressed fast. It is not something that can be addressed in one day but an issue that requires time and investment. The result must be a business opportunity created due to the solutions provided through the research. 

Get help from a research proposal writing service

If you desire to study business, you must learn how to write a research paper. Throughout your study, there are many times when your professor will ask you to research specific areas. Research writing can be exciting but it is also tricky to write. Your wisest decision is to seek help from professional writers so that you deliver a quality paper. The professional proposal writers at Uk.EduBirdie have many years of experience in this field. They will use the best resources to write the best quality research paper for you and deliver it on time. 

Write your research proposal

Once you have identified a problem, your next step is to write a research proposal. In your proposal, explain the problem and the tentative opportunities likely to develop from the problem. Convince your audience of the importance of researching that area, including the likely benefits. Explain in detail the processes for the entire research.

Create an attractive title

It should convince the reader in the first instant. Craft it in a way that it will look attractive to read.

Write a summary

The summary of your business proposal should be short and direct. It is a summary of the entire proposal in terms of key findings, their real-life applications, and an overview of the section. 

Introduce your proposal

The introduction of your business research proposal revisits the title to expand it in detail. The writer identifies the problem again and explains why it requires research-based solutions. Write your thesis statement as an outline of the proposed research activities. Describe the outcomes you expect. 

Write your literature review

This is the body of your business research proposal. Use paragraphs to prove to the reader that you understand the problem well because you have researched the issue. Discuss in detail the information your findings and their practical applications in a real business situation. 

Justify that a gap indeed exists both in theory or practice and how the business research proposal will help fill it. Justify the need for future research based on your research or other existing research. This section contains the entire weight of your proposal and you must make sure you don’t leave out any important details. 

Detail the activities

The activities give details about the methods you will use to obtain information. It gives details on your sample size, how to arrive at that size, and your targeted subjects. Give details about how data will be collected, timeframes, and any other secondary or tertiary sources. 

Other important activities you must discuss are how data entry will be done without forgetting the specific software used and the data cleaning processes. Discuss the statistical techniques used for data analysis, its interpretation, or results obtained. 


In this section, revisit the results of your research and discuss them against any previous/ ongoing research. Discuss each point in detail to create a base for further research. Restate your results and describe any gaps that you didn’t research due to various limitations, then conclude your proposal and list your references


The first step in writing a business research proposal is to identify a gap within a business. The next step is to write your proposal to a specific audience. In the proposal, highlight the problem in detail to convince your audience about the need for research. Do a detailed literature review to discuss the problem. Discuss the methodologies used to collect information. Finish by discussions and conclusion. 

Author’s Bio

Brandon Kryeger works as a trainer for an online company that helps students upgrade and sharpen their technical skills to help them find jobs and excel in their careers. He provides writing, editing and proofreading training and also helps with doing the academic assignments. His hobbies are mountain biking, swimming and reading classical novels.


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