Make AR Smart Glasses Lighter, Cheaper? With A ‘5G Neckband’

VR headsets and AR Glasses are just things like right out of the future but the thing is but they are very costly, heavy and low on battery power. Therefore, Motorola has come up with a new device that promises to make the experience of a VR/AR glasses better. The New Device is 5G Neckband.

5G Neckband
5G Neckband

The New Device

So, the new device is a separate neckpiece that a person will be able to wear around their necks. The device has been designed in such a way that the audio output, the processing power and the source of power all move out of the VR/AR. The device will do so with a powerful 5000 mAh battery, Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 processor, GPS, an accelerometer, a barometer and a loudspeaker of 75 grammes. The whole weight of the device with all these gadgets will be around 100 grammes. The device will be able to support 5G network and will be compatible to work with all the leading VR and AR Devices. Motorola has decided to name the device as 5G XR neckband.

When Will It Be Available

Now having heard about this device, the next question that naturally comes to mind is that when will this device be available in the market and what will be its price? Honestly no one knows. Yes Motorola has confirmed it but they have not yet given any hints towards the potential release date of this device and what would be its price. As the aim of the device is to make VR and AR devices cheaper, it might be a good guess that it could cost something near the price of a VR or AR. Motorola has assured everyone that the device will cost lower than a VR or AR though.

How much will it cost and will it be a worthwhile thing to buy? Time will tell us.

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